Stumblers Are Welcome

Monday, October 29, 2007

Get in to yahoo fast

AddThis Social Bookmark Button

Go to and sign up for a new account (free - they even host the blog on their server at no cost)
Give your blog a name - make a note of this for later use.
Navigate to 'Settings' and then choose 'Site Feed'
Check that the 'Publish Site Feed' option is set to 'Yes'
Copy the 'Site Feed URL' to the clip board (you can paste it some where .. you're going to use it when you've set up your account)
Save your changes
Navigate to 'Posting' and create your first entry.
What should you write? Anything, actually - your words do not make that much of a difference. What is important is that you add the URL of each page you want listed to the blog. Remember to add them as live links (to enable all the spiders to follow them!)
Mmm, you don't know how to do a live link? Here is an example. Just copy the HTML code

link to Web Business Tools

Find this link on view source on your browser and look for this link code as an example.
Replace the URL with your URL and the description ("link to Web Business Tools" with your own.
As a suggestion, why not make your blog a log of this experiment?
Publish your blog by hitting the 'Publish' button.
Sorry, we're not done yet...
Now you have to go to and open a My Yahoo! account. Just follow Yahoo's very clear instructions.
Click on the 'Add Content' button.
Click the ' Add RSS by URL' link.
Paste the 'Site Feed URL' you've copied earlier in the 'URL' field and
hit 'Add'
You have just added your site's news feed to your My Yahoo! account. Don't be concerned if the actual feed doesn't come through immediately - it can take quite a while on My.Yahoo to see the latest feed.
Mmm, you don't know what a news feed is? I've written a document explaining it all. You can read it here.
Last step: go to
Enter your blog's name and URL (similar to mine:
Select all the services to ping (of which My Yahoo! is one) and click the 'Submit Pings' button.
Navigate back to your My Yahoo! account and refresh your browser.
Scroll to the bottom of the page where you'll see your blog's feed appearing.
Your job is done - the spider bait is ready!
Now for a bit of excitement. Start watching your web site's stat's to see how quickly the spiders find their way to your web site. You could even throw a free stats counter on your blog and watch the spiders visiting your blog. I've written this article explaining how I did it.
Next step: Play "blog-and-ping" every day or so. More often if you have the time! Whenever you feel like it, add another posting to your blog. Remember to throw in some links to specific pages on your web site. Let me know how successful you were - leave a comment.

About the author: Cliff Posey, owner of CRP Marketing, owns and operates Cliff has also operated several other successful web businesses including Love Song Cards and Radio Career Consultants. The content in this article was developed from his experience in these businesses and his continual research into further business improvements. This Blog is for discussion about web sites and web site traffic therefore your feedback is welcome.

Get more website success tips and strategies at and free website tools at Web Business Tools.

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