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Thursday, November 1, 2007

Website Design and Navigation on your website by Grace

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While doing research for articles for this blog I have come across some great articles.This post contains an article I found useful and thought it would be good to pass it along to my readers. Just as mentioned in the about the author section at the end of my articles feel free to post a comment.

To develop a cheap website design that makes your business an online success, involves much more than bringing together some website design elements. As a consumer you should understand that a good website designer will understand your business and your customers before getting on with website development. You have to ensure that your website designer understands that your website design is easy to navigate and user-friendly.

In my opinion navigation is a very important part of a good website design. Make sure your website designer considers the following elements:

1. Categories your products and services: Make sure that your website design has good navigation and the information is categorised on your website. A good menu structure ensures that your website visitors are able to navigate through your website with ease. A good website designer will always make a web site design that encourages your website visitors to spend more time on your website.

2. Visit some sites yourself: Before you finalise your website design, try and visit some websites that target the same market and customers as you do. Try and work out what makes a web design more attractive to people. Try and work out what makes that particular web design tick? Discuss this website design with your Website Developer and work out if a similar navigation style or colour scheme or other finer points will work on your website. Once your website design is finalised, ask your friends and relatives to go through the website design and get their feedback. Make sure that you do it with an open mind as some people may criticise what you have done. Don't be disheartened. If someone says that they could not find their way home that would mean that something that seemed obvious to you could not be to other visitors and work out a better way to help people navigate to your homepage.

3. Consistency & Predictability: Individuality is important, but try to make your website design different to other websites but not the navigation. A good website designer will include conventional website navigation to make it easier for your website visitors. Make sure that your website developer realises that a graphic rich website that sells great products is worthless if visitors cannot find information or navigate between different pages or sections of a web design. If your main navigation is made of images, make sure that there is a text only option for navigation to allow for disabled visitors. Also your website navigation should allow for quick navigation for visitors who are in a hurry!

Make sure that you and your website designer (or graphic designer) understands the importance of an easy-to-use navigation. Remember that great content and graphics are worth nothing if visitors can't find them.

Author source and information.

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