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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Getting Targeted Free Traffic

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Getting targeted traffic to your website doesn’t have to cost a bomb. There are a lot of strategies that you can use to start driving potential customers to your site and blog. Posting on Yahoo Answers can be a good way to build interest to your blog if it’s done properly. It is a source of traffic that you should not neglect.

Yahoo Answers might seem like a great source of backlinks for your website but you have to be careful so that you won’t get banned as a spammer and lost all your answers.

Unlike article marketing, posting to Yahoo Answers consume more time and you can’t just blast plenty of answers on daily basis. Don’t let the Yahoo community to feel suspicious with your existence when you’re only focusing on just a specific topic.

Contribute to the community by providing only high quality answers in random topics. This can leave them with the impression that you’re not there just to get traffic to your affiliate marketing program websites.

Make sure you use multiple email accounts to avoid detection. Try to use a different email account for every affiliate marketing program that you intend to promote on Yahoo Answers. This can prevent you from getting Yahoo Account Suspension. One thing I don’t like about Yahoo Answers, is, they will never let you know why you’re suspended. Just move on if that happens, because there’s appealing is not getting anywhere.

You don’t have to be an expert in order to provide an excellent answer because you can always research it from somewhere else and rewrite it before posting on Yahoo Answers to avoid copyright infringement. It would be wise to write high quality answers so that you will be recognized as an expert. The person who posts the question will probably choose your reply as the best answer and the content will be highlighted. You will stand a better chance to get people clicking your affiliate marketing program website address if you include it as the source of article.

The concept is quite similar to what you’re doing with article marketing, the difference is, Yahoo Answers is much more powerful than those article directories. You don’t have to write a 500 word article but you will still get targeted traffic. In fact, the visitors that you get from Yahoo Answers are probably much better than what you will get from your article marketing campaign.

Answering the questions that appeared for your top keywords will definitely help to get your indexed by Yahoo. Some of these questions would even rank better for some of the terms that affiliate marketers are targeting for.

Don’t worry if you’re too busy browsing Yahoo Answers to look for the questions that are available and seems relevant to your topic because you can always subscribe to their RSS feeds and just spend most of your time on marketing. Make sure you check the RSS reader to see if you feed is ok.

Cliff Posey, owner of Websites That Succeed provided this info. Get related articles below: Website Tips , Success Online, Website Development or Websites That Work.

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